Monday, August 11, 2008

I-Doser: Digital Drugs

There is a new trend that is lurking away in the deep recesses of the internets; the “doses” are synonymous with illicit drugs that conjure up parent’s worst fears. It is a rehashed and repackaged application known as the “I-doser”. According to their mission statement, “I-Doser Labs is the Industry Leader in Binaural Brainwave technology. Using proven, scientific, and safe methods of synchronizing your brainwaves; a simulated state can be achieved through the use of our advanced Binaural Methods” When I first sat down with the I-doser, I had limited experience with the theory and application of binaural beats to enhance or alter moods. A simple Wikipedia search reveals: Binaural beats or binaural tones are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain independent of physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove.
The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the loudness of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequency of the tones must be below about 1,000 to 1,500 hertz for the beating to be heard. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (below about 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise the two tones will be heard separately and no beat will be perceived.
Interest in binaural beats can be classified into two categories. First, they are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing. Second, that binaural beats may influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves [1] [2] and can be used to produce relaxation and other health benefits.[citation needed]

See that last part, the citation needed… Well that is what I am really interested in. I received a copy of I-doser today with the following doses:

• 5HTP1
• A-Migrane
• A-Bomb (1-3)
• Absinthe (1-3)
• Acid (Quick Hit)
• Adrenaline
• Adrenochrome
• Alcohol (and Alochol1)
• Alpha (1-3)
• Anesthesia (1-3)
• Antisad
• Astral
• Beta (1-3)
• Black Sunshine (1-3)
• Brain+ (Brain+1)
• Calm Me
• Chakra
• Cliff Hanger (1-3)
• Cocaine
• Condition
• Confidence
• Content (Content1)
• Crack
• Crystal Meth (1-3)
• Delta (1-3)
• Dexies (1-3)
• Diet+
• Divinorum (1-3)
• Downer (1-3)
• Ecstasy (1-3 +QH)
• Excite (1-3)
• Extend (1-3)
• French Roast
• First Love
• Gamma (1-3)
• Gates of Hades
• Genesis (1-3)
• Ginko
• Hand of God
• Hangover Cure (1-3)
• Hash (+QH)
• Heroin
• Insomniac
• Inspire
• Juice It (1-3)
• Kava
• Ketamine
• Lucid Dreams (1-3)
• Marijuana (1-3 +QH)
• Masochist (1-2)
• Morning Glory
• Morphine (1-2)
• Nitrous (1-7)
• Opium (1-2 +QH)
• Orgasm (+QH)
• Out of Body (1-3)
• Oxy
• Peyote (1-3)
• Prozium (1-3)
• Quick Happy (1-2)
• Rave (1-3)
• Reset (1-2)
• Sleep Angel (1-3)
• Speed (1-4)
• Theta (1-3)
• Tranquil (1-3)
• Trip (1-4)
• Viagra
• Vico
• White Crosses (1-3)
• Yaba (1-2)

Wow the list seems much more extensive after typing that out. I decided to take a (half-way) scientific approach to this project. I am going to go through the list as it is listed and give a real HONEST account of my I-dose Experience. But before I get all serious.. I gotta try the fucking viagra.


Danny K said...

Great review - I'm posting my own reviews starting off with the Gates of Hades. You can read more at

The Informer said...

Hey! I noticed that your blog only has one review. Would you mind mentioning my blog? I'm also reviewing doses. My blog is
I will happily link back to your page. You appear high in the search results, and I think you should review more! Good luck!