Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1.0 Viagra

The first drug that immediately caught my eye was the Viagra dose. Just looking at the name made me feel giddy inside; I am literally bursting with the hopeful gleam of a child ogling breakfast cereal packages. (And damned if I couldn’t go for some Smacks right now) I know there is a lot of debate circling around about the effectiveness of binaural beats in general, and even further skepticism about using it in conjunction with marijuana. But seeing how it is already 5:00… I’m already way past blazed, so at least for tonight, this experience is going too coupled with my good friend THC.

(Note: All of the experiences are being recounted immediately after the fact, although with what I’ve read/been warned about, my accounts might be a little disjointed)
I am going to administer the dose in a quiet room with minimal distractions which is suggested on many of the forums. My fiancé is in the living room thinking that I am absolutely retarded… She puts up with a lot of my shit, but if I get addicted to virtual drugs… I swear she’s going to leave me.

1715 I put in my headphones and lay down. The placebo-laden description of the dose boldly claims, “Sidenafil citrate is prescribed in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. It is commonly referred to as a “lifestyle drug”. Orgasms are initially the same intensity as normal, but the drug allows for new, strong erections minutes after orgasm, and later orgasms are delayed and more intense. Sidenafil is commonly and increasingly used as an aphrodisiac, i.e. to increase sexual desire. Our dose has been designed to be the perfect complement to sexual activity.
Damn I don’t think Pfizer could have said it any better. I turn up the volume and tune out everything but the supposedly erecting effects of these binaural beats.

1720 I’ve given it about 5 minutes to work, and I do have to admit that even though it is a very slight effect I am beginning to feel very relaxed and focused on my… “member” The sounds are hard to describe, kind of similar to television white noise mixed with an ocean relaxation tape, and dubbed over with an oscillating drone. I am now completely relaxed and am attempting to let myself float away in peaceful bliss.

1725 I’ll be damned… I actually have a hard on. I think realizing the fact made me lose my focus…. But for shits sake even if it is a placebo effect, it is a damned good one.

1730 I no longer hear the oscillating drone and I am completely swept up in relaxation. My mind is starting to wander, and I am having pretty vivid flashes and emotions about sex.

1745 The dose finished very strong, at this time I am hard as a rock and ready to burst. After talking my fiancé into furthering my scientific endeavor, we head to the bed room.

1749 Fuck you I-doser.. Fuck you, you pile of horse shit in a piss bag.. Read the timestamp.. I’m not fucking joking.
(I’ve cooled down a bit and even though my fiancé and I were both extremely disappointed with the Viagra dose’s effect I am going to continue to try and get the desired effects from these doses.)


FightFireWithFun said...

Hello takthescrew, I am interested in setting up a blog similar to yours, maybe we could do a type of "experiment" where we each try the same one and then post our experience on our respective blogs to see how it goes and do that for doses. You can email me at brainwaveguy@gmail.com to talk about it if you want.

Unknown said...

Hey man... I doser never really had any effect on me but then i tried gates of hades...

Really try it ! It gets intense near the end
